In recent years, the Kingdom of Bahrain has made strides to enhance and diversify its economy while supporting a growing community of aspiring artists. This has culminated with a partnership between Think Tank and Bahrain’s economic agency, Tamkeen, to establish Think Tank Bahrain and the Passion to Profession Digital Arts Training Program. By offering advanced training in CG, this program provides funding and a pathway to employment for Bahraini artists that want to train for the world of Film and Games in their home country.

Read the press release here.

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A one-of-a-kind program

With the support of Tamkeen, we have been able to launch one of the first schools of its kind in the region. With the inaugural cohort beginning in June 2023, students are already completing their Term 1 assignments and exercises. Unlike other Think Tank programs, Think Tank Bahrain educates students in a unique hybridized setting that has them learn remotely and at a purpose-built campus in Manama, Bahrain. For at least 20 hours a week, students will join award-winning 3D Artist and educator. Shawn Patrick Tilling for hands-on training and to experience working in a collaborative, results-driven environment. 

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Applications for October now open

Calling all Bahraini artists interested in learning 3D Art in Bahrain! Applications for the Think Tank Bahrain’s October 2023 start date are now open. Accepted applicants will be fully-funded through Tamkeen’s Passion to Profession Digital Arts Training Program. Applying for is a three-step process and all applications must be in August 30, 2023 to be considered for the October 2 start date. 

Step 1: Complete your Passion to Profession Digital Arts Training Program application here.
Step 2: Fill out the Time Commitment and Dedication Questionnaire here.
Step 3: Complete Think Tank’s General Application here. Make sure to apply for CG Asset Creation for Film or Games and the October 2, 2023, start date.

Note: All applications must be filled out in English and using the same email for each step. All applicants must be 18 years or older and a Bahraini citizen.

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Meet the artist: Mohammed Attiya

Take a closer look into one of the artists currently part of this program. We sat down with June cohort student, Mohammed Attiya, to learn about what inspires his passion.

Think Tank: Hey Mohammed! Let’s start with the basics. What are some of your favorite movies and video games?
Mohammed Attiya: Hey! For movies, it has to be Interstellar and The Matrix Trilogy. Too many favorite video games to count, but I love Persona 5 Royal, Bloodborne, Dragonball Fighterz, and Risk of Rain 2.

TT: Where do you see yourself in five years?
MA: At times, I can be somewhat pessimistic about my own personal career. It may not be too realistic, but in a perfect world, I‘ll be a Creature Artist at Supergiant Games or at Riot Games on the Project L Team (the fighting game).

TT: You kind of mentioned it, but can you elaborate on your dream role in the industry?
MA: My ultimate goal is to become a Creature Artist, specializing in crafting magical fantasy creatures similar to those found in Zelda, as well as designing horrific amalgamations reminiscent of those in games like Sekiro or Bloodborne.

TT: What does helping build the industry in Bahrain mean to you?
MA: For some reason, Bahrain, although a very small island, has left a giant mark on the world through the talent it produces. We have risen in many areas globally. I believe Film and Games will be next, and being one of the few people to lead them forward is nothing short of an honor.

TT: Amazing. Anything else you’d like to mention?
MA: Maybe that just one of the reasons I want to make a career out of this is to prove to my parents that all the years I spent gaming actually helped in something!

Learn more about this opportunity

If you or an artist you know is interested in learning more about the work Think Tank and Tamkeen are doing in Bahrain, feel free to visit the Passion to Profession Digital Arts Training Program pagepage or reach us at with any questions you may have.